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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 38


We did it! I have a feeling that this week is going to fly by. Monday and Tuesday are regular days, but Wednesday-Friday will be half days. Please pack a decent sized snack for Wednesday and Thursday, as we get out after our normal scheduled lunch time. On Friday, I will be providing pizza and other snacks to celebrate the end of the year! For my summer birthdays, feel free to bring in a treat any day this week and we will celebrate your birthday early!

If you purchased a yearbook, you may bring it in Wednesday-Friday to get signatures. For those of you who did not pre-order one, but would like a yearbook, the front office is still selling them!

Here is what we will be doing this week:

Literature: Reader's theaters

Spalding: We will be practicing our phonograms and handwriting this week. We will copy a poem in our best manuscript and cursive handwriting, while I do individual OPRs (oral phonogram review). No spelling words this week!

Grammar: Parts of speech review!

Math: Geometry continued - forming basic shapes and making shapes from circles

History: We are finishing up our unit on Civil Rights leaders. We will end it by studying Cesar Chavez!

Science: On Tuesday, we will do another PEEP STEM project. :)

Miscellaneous: We have our last assembly tomorrow (Monday) morning! We will begin cleaning out our desks on Thursday but will also have more to bring home on Friday. If your child will not be here on Friday, please let me know so I can make sure that they get everything early! Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2016

School Supply Kits

Please visit this site to order school supply kits for next year!

The deadline to order is May 27th (next Friday).

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 37

Only two more weeks! We're done with DIBELS, took our last Singapore test, and this week we will be taking our end of year Galileo assessment! This will be on Thursday, and we will take both the Math and English Language Arts tests. Please give your child a hearty breakfast and pack a fortifying snack!

Here's what's happening the rest of the week:

Literature: We finished Little House in the Big Woods, so we will wrap up our lap books and do some readers' theaters this week! We will also begin book report presentations!

Spalding: 29 words this week - test on Friday! 

Monday: enclose, await, suppose, wonderful, forward, backward, toward, although, prompt, attempt
Tuesday: who, who's (who is), whose, statement, state, perhaps, their, they, imprison
Wednesday: written, writ, arrange, ankle, appears, bracelet, brace, breathe, breath, calm

Writing/Grammar: We're finishing up our letters to the future second graders. This week we will edit them and then write the final draft on nice stationary to give them.

Math: This week we're studying geometry. We will be counting faces, vertices, and edges on different 3-D shapes.

History: In History, we're finishing up the year by studying Civil Rights leaders. This week we will learn about Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Science: We have some fun things planned for Science this week. I stocked up on Peeps when they were on sale, so we will be doing some STEM projects with them. :) We will figure out how to create a peep catapult launcher and a peep puff mobile!

Poem: We will recite "Harriet Tubman" this week.

Miscellaneous: On Wednesday, our special is P.E., so be sure to pack/wear athletic shoes!

Have a great week! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 36

Wow! Can you believe that there are only 3 weeks left?! We are in the home stretch!

I want to say a big thank you for all the little treats this past week! Ms. Carnahan and I really appreciated them. :)

A second thank you to all the moms who came on Friday. It meant a lot to our second graders to have you there.

Third, congrats to all of our scholars in 2A for a successful DIBELS test! Everyone did their best reading on this test, and I am very proud of them. We have another big week coming up - In math we will be reviewing all week long, and on Friday, we will take our Singapore end of year math test! Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep Thursday night and has a hearty breakfast on Friday, as we will take this test early in the morning. Here is what's on the agenda for the rest of our subjects:

Literature: We are nearing the end of Little House in the Big Woods - we will be reading chapters 12 and 13 this week and continuing work on our foldables. Please continue reading from your classic book at home and plan to report to the class next week - if you cannot finish the book, be prepared to just talk about the parts that you did read. :)

Spalding: 32 words this week - Spelling Test on Friday! 

Monday: either, effort, due, dew, include, allow, position, ledge, claim, primary, result
Tuesday: appoint, information, whom, who, arrest, themselves, self, calves, calf, halves, half
Wednesday: special, specific, present (noun), present (verb), action, act, justice, just, gentleman, gentle

Writing/Grammar: narration and dictation exercises from Peter Pan. We will work on a pre-writing map and rough draft for a letter to the future second graders.

Math: Math facts and review all week - Singapore end of year test on Friday!

History: We are finishing up our Immigration and Citizenship unit and will test on Friday. I know Friday is a big day already, so this will be a mini test. Study guides will go home Monday and we will review in class on Wednesday. We also have a fun "melting pot" activity on Wednesday that requires a small homework assignment. Please bring in a small piece of chocolate to be melted - this can be milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate...as long as it can be melted down. :)

Science: We are continuing on in our biography unit and are learning about Daniel Hale Williams this week. He was one of the first doctors to perform open heart surgery in the United States.

Poem: Harriet Tubman - last stanza! We will recite next week!

Miscellaneous: Healthy Snack Day is on Thursday - please pack a fruit or vegetable! I would also like to have a Flashlight Friday this Friday to relax and celebrate after our tests are done. Feel free to bring in a pillow, flashlight, and favorite book to read!

Thank you! Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your Sunday!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 35

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a great R&R 3-day weekend! This week we have a couple of very important things. We will be doing our DIBELS reading assessment all week long to test for reading fluency and comprehension. We also have the Mother's Day Tea on Friday from 8:15-9:15! Feel free to come on in at 8 and check in after dropping your child off. We will head downstairs and meet you as soon as our morning announcements are done and attendance is taken. :)

Here's what we have this week:
Literature: We will read chapters 10 and 11 in reading groups and will work on our foldables.

Spalding: There are 28 words this week - Test on Friday!

Monday: select, connection, connect, firm, region, religion, convict, private, command
Tuesday: debate, crowd, factory, publish, represent, term, section, relative, relate
Wednesday: progress, progress, entire, president, preside, famous, fame, serve, estate, remember

Writing/Grammar: Our writing with ease selection this week is from Dr. Doolittle. We will apply what we have learned about paragraph writing to recap a narration passage from this story.

Math: This week we have a very short unit on graphs! We will discuss tally graphs, picture graphs, and bar graphs. Lesson 1 Test on Thursday and Lesson 2 Test on Friday!

History: We are continuing on in our Immigration and Citizenship unit and learning about 3 very successful immigrants: Andrew Carnegie, Albert Sabin, and Irving Berlin.

Science: In Science, we are learning about biographies. Last week we learned about Elijah McCoy. This week we will study Florence Nightingale!

Touch Pebbles: Text - Narcissus - Goals: Students will differentiate between listening to another person and hearing what one wants to hear.

Idiom: "the real McCoy!"

Poem: Harriet Tubman (to be recited in two weeks!)

Have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you moms on Friday!