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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 13

First of all, THANK YOU for the birthday goodies!! I love my flowers, and I cannot wait to go buy some more craft supplies! The cake was absolutely delicious, and I know our students loved the cookies. It was a good birthday, and I felt special. :)

We have lots to do in our shortened week. Remember, there is no school on Wednesday, in observance of Veteran's Day!

Literature: We will continue reading Boxcar Children - chapters 7 and 8 - in literature groups.

Spalding: There are only 19 words this week: recover, mountain, speak, past, might, contract, deal, almost, all, brought, bring, less, event, off, of, true, truth, took, again. Spelling Test on Friday! We need to practice our Spalding rules, so I will be creating and sending home some worksheets to practice these.

Writing: We have our narration, copywork, and dictation exercises from the story "101 Dalmatians". We will also be writing Veteran's Day letters on Monday to be delivered to our troops on Tuesday.

Grammar: We are reviewing adverbs and adjectives this week. We will also be learning the 4 types of sentences and the terms "subject" and "predicate".

Math: This week we will be learning about weight! We will be using a balance to weigh different objects, and we will learn the difference between kilogram, gram, pound, and ounce. We will have mini tests - 4.1 A on Thursday and 4.2 A on Friday!

History: We will be learning about Chinese New Year tomorrow and then reviewing our previous Ancient China material. We will test on Friday! Be on the lookout for a study guide on Monday!

Science: I sent home a Life Cycle study guide on Friday. We will review on Tuesday with Life Cycle scoot (game), and then we will take our Life Cycle Test on Thursday!

Idiom: "Practice what you preach".

Poem: Merry Autumn Days recitations! (all week)

Miscellaneous: If your child is interested in run club, signups are here! I am really excited to announce that I will be one of the coaches! I love running and can't wait to share this passion with the children!

Have a great week!

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