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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Charlotte's Web Festival Tomorrow!

Please send your child with a hat tomorrow and sunscreen already applied! It is going to be hot out! (It’s supposed to be sunny and 106 degrees.) We will have water bottles for them outside. :) Tomorrow they do need to wear their uniforms; however, they may want to wear their athletic shoes that they wear for P.E. since there will be a couple of games. Just a reminder that it is a full day tomorrow, and we have a regular lunch schedule in the MPR after the festival. Looking forward to it! I will see many of you in the morning!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Island Project Pictures!

As promised... 

Behold the wonderful 







Week 8

Good evening!

As we draw to a close in quarter 1, I just want to thank you for a good start! I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your children, and I look forward to watching them continue to grow this year. Thank you to those of you who have helped with math centers (especially Madison's mom!) and to those of you who have expressed interest in volunteering. We will be starting our Literature groups on October 20th with Boxcar Children, and I will need more volunteers!

I received the anonymous homework survey results and would like to be as accommodating as possible. Some people marked that homework is taking 75-90 minutes! Please reach out to me and let me know how I can help to bring this number down. I do realize that extracurricular activities are a big part of childhood, and second grade homework should only take 30-45 minutes.

I'm hoping that the Spalding homework is getting a little easier to understand for those of you who are new to Great Hearts (and that the informational night on Thursday helped). I will be reaching out to my new families regarding Spalding.

Literature: We are finishing up Charlotte's Web! We will be decorating a medal for Wilbur, as well as writing a eulogy for Charlotte. On Thursday is our Charlotte's Web festival! We will be setting up the football field to resemble a fair, similar to the one Wilbur goes to in the book. A big thank you in advance to those of you who have agreed to help out. We cannot wait for this event! The children are going to have so much fun!

Spalding: Since Friday begins Fall Break, there are only 20 words this week. I also want to take a WPR (written phonogram review) for a grade this week. Please practice phonograms 31-60. I will break them up and quiz 31-45 on Wednesday and 46-60 on Thursday.

For Wednesday: ou, oo, ch, ar, ay, ai, oy, oi, er, ir, ur, wor, ear, ng, ea

For Thursday: aw, au, or, ck, wh, ed, ew, ui, oa, gu, ph, ough, oe, ey, igh

New words: (Test on Thursday)
1. above      11. right
2. express   12. write
3. turn         13. wrote
4. lesson      14. date
5. half          15. road
6. father       16. rode
7. anything   17. ride
8. table         18. March
9. high          19. march
10. June        20. next

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from The Jungle Book
Grammar: We're learning about adverbs! (If you haven't already, be sure to ask your child about the noun and verb jingles that we learned last week!)

Math: We have our chapter 4 (Unit 2) math test on Tuesday! (addition with renaming) After this, we are continuing our renaming process, but this week we are subtracting, rather than adding. We will be learning how to line the problems up vertically and borrow.

History: This week begins our Ancient India unit. We will begin with an introduction and look at its geography. Last year we learned about monotheistic religions, specifically Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As we study Ancient India, we will get into a new culture and learn about the polytheistic religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Please be prepared to continue these conversations at home, as we will redirect questions of faith to be answered by parents. :)

Science: We are beginning a new unit on the life cycle! This week will mainly focus on the word "cycle" and how nature works. We will discuss the age old question: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Poetry: We have our poetry recitations this week for Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field.

Miscellaneous: Please be on the look out for a Sign-up Genius coming later this week! I will be sending out an invitation for parent-teacher conference sign-ups. They will be held October 13-16 in the afternoons/evenings. I look forward to discussing quarter 1 checklists and your childrens' progress with each of you! :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Spalding/Singapore Night

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Spalding/Singapore Night! - 6 pm in the gym :)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 7

Wow! How time flies! I cannot believe we are already in week 7. Here we go:

Literature: Charlotte's Web continued - chapters 17, 18, and 19. We will be practicing our letter writing skills this week. We will start off the week by choosing a character from the book and trying to write from their perspective. This could be a human, like Fern or Avery, or one of the animals, such as Wilbur, Charlotte, Templeton, etc. :)

Spalding: We're back to 30 words this week! Test on Friday! Words:
1. began          11. watch           22. grant
2. begin           12. dash             23. soap
3. beginning    13. fell               24. news
4. able              14. fight            25. new
5. gone             15. buy              26. small
6. go                 16. by                27. smaller
7. done             17. stopping       28. smallest
8. do                 18. stop              29. war
9. suit               19. walk             30. summer
10. track           20. talk
                         21. chalk

Writing: narration, copy work, dictation exercises from "Ginger Pye"
Grammar: nouns and verbs; 4 easy steps to classifying sentences

Math: Addition within 1000 with renaming - dice and card games :)

History: Japan continued - History Test on Friday! (Study Guide going home Monday and Review going home on Wednesday!)

Science: Water Cycle continued - We'll be discussing the differences between groundwater and run off, learning some new vocabulary, and labeling a diagram of the cycle.

Poem: Something Told the Wild Geese (continued) - stanza 4 - recitations next week!
Idiom: "Keep your fingers crossed"

Note: We have a half day on Friday, September 25th!

Have a great week!!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 6

Good evening,

First of all, I wanted to say Wow! I loved seeing all the beautiful and creative Island Projects! Everyone worked so hard, and we had fun sharing them with the class. :) I took pictures of all the projects and am trying to find a way to display them on the blog! I will see if I can figure that out soon!

We have another 4 day week ahead! (Don't forget!! School Pictures are on TUESDAY!)

Literature: Charlotte's Web continued - chapters 14, 15, and 16. Homework is to read Monday through Wednesday and complete pages 1-3 in the reflection log. Since there is no school on Friday, please bring back books on Thursday! (Some of us have not been turning in our leveled readers. I cannot issue another book until I have received the previous one. Thank you!)

Spalding: We only have 20 words again this week: (Test on Thursday!)
1. peach     11. catch
2. pole       12. catcher
3. queen     13. kitchen
4. rope       14. butcher
5. season    15. black
6. sign        16. warm
7. space      17. unless
8. wagon    18. clothing
9. wheat      19. clothes
10. window  20. clothe

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from the poem "My Shadow"
Grammar: punctuation and capitalization rules review; Chapter 1 Test on Wednesday

Math: We're still in Unit 2, continuing with addition and subtraction. We have been practicing problems with seeing it both lined up vertically, as well as horizontally. Unit 2 Chapter 3 (Subtraction without Renaming) Test on Tuesday! (The multiple choice practice version will go home as homework on Monday.)

History: We will begin our short unit on Japan. This week focuses mainly on the geography, culture, and school life in Japan. On Wednesday we will compare and contrast Japanese schools to our own, and then we will set out to clean up our school! Japanese children have to do chores at school as part of their daily routine. This involves cleaning up the classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and yard! Our clean up won't be as extensive as this, but we will set out to clean up the playground and our own classroom. :)

Science: We are learning about the water cycle! We will do an experiment involving the sun and shade, and we will also talk about the different types of clouds.

Poem: Something told the Wild Geese - work on memorizing stanza 3!
Idiom: "Don't cry over spilled milk."

Have a great week!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 5

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone has had a chance to relax! (I have been catching up on some reading and doing a little hiking!) 

Here's what we have on the agenda:

Literature: Charlotte's Web continued - We have started planning our Charlotte's Web carnival; be on the look out for a Sign-up Genius (coming soon!) for ways to volunteer! There are going to be tons of booths to run and it will be a lot of fun! (It will be on October 1st from 9-11:30.)

Spalding: Phonograms to practice at home: numbers 60 - 70; new words: (Spelling Test on Friday!)
1. stamp       11. cloud
2. light         12. draw
3. coming     13. drink
4. come        14. garden
5. night        15. goose
6. pass          16. hopping
7. shut          17. hop
8. easy          18. knife
9. ease          19. mouth
10. bone       20. oak
(Notice that there are only 20 words this week!)

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from "Misty of Chincoteague"
Grammar: punctuation rules

Math: Addition and Subtraction within 1000 without renaming; Unit 2 Test on Thursday (Unit 2 Ch 1 Test B will be done as homework on Tuesday, and Unit 2 Ch 2 Test B will be done in one of the math groups on Wednesday.)

History: We will be presenting our Island Projects this week (beginning tomorrow!) We will also review the geography of the Americas with a trivia game and take a short quiz on Friday. 

Science: We are concluding our Seasons unit. We will kick off our Water Cycle unit with a water experiment on Thursday. Students will learn the following terms: condensation, water vapor, and pollutants. :)

Poem: Something Told the Wild Geese (Field) - Begin memorizing stanzas 1 and 2

Idiom: "Don't cry over spilled milk."

Thanks! Have a great evening!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Spalding/Singapore Night

Due to a scheduling conflict, Spalding/Singapore Night has been postponed. Our Spalding "guru" is looking at other dates. We will let you know as soon as the new date has been released! Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Leveled Readers

Good morning,

Leveled readers went home yesterday, and I just wanted to touch base about them. They may seem a little simple, but remember, they are to be read aloud for inflections and fluency! If there is a question mark at the end of the sentence, make sure your child's voice is going up at the end of the phrase. If there is a comma, tell them to put a slight pause. We want them to read with expression! :) (Chapter books will go home after Winter Break, so those are coming!) Just as a reminder, as part of the 20 minutes, there is a reading reflection log that needs to be filled out as well. There are 4 pages, so 1 page can be done each day (Monday-Thursday). The whole log will be turned in along with the book on Fridays, and new books will go home on Mondays. Please let me know if your child's book is significantly too easy or hard. Thank you!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!