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Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 5

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone has had a chance to relax! (I have been catching up on some reading and doing a little hiking!) 

Here's what we have on the agenda:

Literature: Charlotte's Web continued - We have started planning our Charlotte's Web carnival; be on the look out for a Sign-up Genius (coming soon!) for ways to volunteer! There are going to be tons of booths to run and it will be a lot of fun! (It will be on October 1st from 9-11:30.)

Spalding: Phonograms to practice at home: numbers 60 - 70; new words: (Spelling Test on Friday!)
1. stamp       11. cloud
2. light         12. draw
3. coming     13. drink
4. come        14. garden
5. night        15. goose
6. pass          16. hopping
7. shut          17. hop
8. easy          18. knife
9. ease          19. mouth
10. bone       20. oak
(Notice that there are only 20 words this week!)

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from "Misty of Chincoteague"
Grammar: punctuation rules

Math: Addition and Subtraction within 1000 without renaming; Unit 2 Test on Thursday (Unit 2 Ch 1 Test B will be done as homework on Tuesday, and Unit 2 Ch 2 Test B will be done in one of the math groups on Wednesday.)

History: We will be presenting our Island Projects this week (beginning tomorrow!) We will also review the geography of the Americas with a trivia game and take a short quiz on Friday. 

Science: We are concluding our Seasons unit. We will kick off our Water Cycle unit with a water experiment on Thursday. Students will learn the following terms: condensation, water vapor, and pollutants. :)

Poem: Something Told the Wild Geese (Field) - Begin memorizing stanzas 1 and 2

Idiom: "Don't cry over spilled milk."

Thanks! Have a great evening!

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