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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 7

Wow! How time flies! I cannot believe we are already in week 7. Here we go:

Literature: Charlotte's Web continued - chapters 17, 18, and 19. We will be practicing our letter writing skills this week. We will start off the week by choosing a character from the book and trying to write from their perspective. This could be a human, like Fern or Avery, or one of the animals, such as Wilbur, Charlotte, Templeton, etc. :)

Spalding: We're back to 30 words this week! Test on Friday! Words:
1. began          11. watch           22. grant
2. begin           12. dash             23. soap
3. beginning    13. fell               24. news
4. able              14. fight            25. new
5. gone             15. buy              26. small
6. go                 16. by                27. smaller
7. done             17. stopping       28. smallest
8. do                 18. stop              29. war
9. suit               19. walk             30. summer
10. track           20. talk
                         21. chalk

Writing: narration, copy work, dictation exercises from "Ginger Pye"
Grammar: nouns and verbs; 4 easy steps to classifying sentences

Math: Addition within 1000 with renaming - dice and card games :)

History: Japan continued - History Test on Friday! (Study Guide going home Monday and Review going home on Wednesday!)

Science: Water Cycle continued - We'll be discussing the differences between groundwater and run off, learning some new vocabulary, and labeling a diagram of the cycle.

Poem: Something Told the Wild Geese (continued) - stanza 4 - recitations next week!
Idiom: "Keep your fingers crossed"

Note: We have a half day on Friday, September 25th!

Have a great week!!

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