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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 18

Good evening!

We are in the home stretch! I have a feeling this week is going to fly by! On Wednesday we have our Greek Festival, which will be a lot of fun. We need lots of volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out and haven't signed up yet, please talk to Sandra!

Last week we helped stuff stockings for foster children and orphans! We had a lot of fun with this service project, and there are going to be some very happy children come Christmas day!

Here is what we have coming up this week:

Spalding: We will be reviewing old words that were frequently missed. We will test these on Thursday! Words: child, far, form, cent, little, third, sick, mail, two, watch, happen, sight, follow, pleasant, account, feather, lead (the way), led (the way), lead (pencil), tripped

Grammar: We are discussing titles of respect and reviewing quotations and the four types of sentences (imperative, declarative, interrogative, exclamatory)

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from The Young Man and the Cat. We will also be writing "secret student" letters as homework. Every student will get the name of a student to write a letter to, and the letters will be passed out on Friday.

Math: We will be continuing to review multiples of 3 and play some multiplication games!

History: We will review Ancient Greece in class on Monday with a game, and then we will test on Tuesday!

Science: We are continuing insects and have a fun honeybee craft. :)

Idiom: "in hot water"

Poem: The Night Before Christmas - We will recite this in small groups on Friday!

We have typing on Monday, as usual. I will be sending out the link and log-in information a little later this week, so that your child can practice typing over Winter Break should they want to!

I think that's all I have for now! Have a wonderful week!

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