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Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 19

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a spectacular break! We are jumping right back into our studies and have a lot planned for this week! A few quick notes: We will be starting Cricket in Times Square next week, so please start bringing these books in if you have not done so yet. Housekeeping - we have had a lot of pencil and crayon shavings on the floor, so we are sending home personal sharpeners that were previously in pencil boxes. I have collected them all and put them in individual baggies, which will go home and need to remain there. We have a class sharpener that can be used as needed. Last, please make note that not only is it a shorter week, but there is a half day on Friday as well!

Literature: We are introducing our new book by taking a look at the history of Connecticut and New York and reviewing our map skills. There will be no assigned books going home for homework this week. Please read for fun for 20 minutes each night!

Spalding: Spelling Test on Friday over 20 words: wonder, pair, pear, pare, check, prove, heard, hear, inspect, itself, always, something, expect, need, thus, woman, women, young, fair, fare

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from Pied Pier of Hamelin

Grammar: We are reviewing quotations and exclamations, as well as practicing our linking verbs.

Math: We will begin book B, which starts off with mental math strategies. We will learn some methods to use and practice with addition first. These strategies include number bonds, partial sums, open number lines, expanded form, and traditional algorithms. There will be a chapter test on Friday!

History: We are finally finishing up Ancient Greece and discussing the Great Thinkers! We will "tour" Athens, have a symposium, and learn about Alexander the Great.

Science: In Science, we are learning about the human body! We will be learning about cells, tissues, organs, and systems.

Idiom: To turn over a new leaf

Poem: Smart by Shel Silverstein

Have a great week!

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