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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 22

Good evening! Hope everyone had a great weekend. This week we have a half day on Friday, and it's the 100th day of school! I would like to have a Flashlight Friday as well. :) I'll send a reminder closer to time! Here's what we have going on this week...

Literature: We will do a "Let's talk about it" for chapters 6-9, and then begin reading chapter 6 of Cricket on Tuesday. We will read chapters 6-8 this week. Vocabulary words we will encounter are: novelties, embroidered, kimonos (Our characters take a trip to China Town!), pagoda, souffle, compartments, accuse, gilded, and pathetic.

Spalding: We will have 31 words this week - 10 on Monday and Tuesday and 11 on Wednesday. Spelling Test on Friday over the following words:

Monday - baking, bake, bowl, cheap, cheerful, chicken, driving, drive, echoes, echo
Tuesday - fairy, knock, leather, linen, mixture, nation, pause, peace, permission, rough
Wednesday - social, steal, steel, strange, trophy, voices, voice, eight, ate, afraid, uncle

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from Alexander the Great

Grammar: We are continuing our work in editing and classifying sentences. You should have seen our new format come home last Friday (they were on half sheets of paper). We begin with a sentence to edit, and students must correct capitalization and punctuation errors. Then I write a sentence on the board for them to copy and classify. We always find the "heart of the sentence," which is the subject noun and verb. From there, we identify article adjectives, adjectives, and adverbs. Then I write a scrambled sentence on the board for them to unscramble and record. This is the most difficult of the tasks because it involves identifying parts of speech in order to make the sentence make the most sense. The last thing we do is complete an analogy. There are four types of analogies that we have covered: synonym, antonym, rhyme, and part-whole. We will be using this grammar format for a while, so that we can really master the parts of speech that have been introduced thus far.

Typing: Hooray, it's finally a typing week! Second grade is always assigned Monday to use the computers, and we have had a lot of Mondays off! I am so excited to get back into our typing program! And of course, your child is more than welcome to be practicing typing at home. :)

Math: We will take our Unit 7 chapter 3 test on Monday after reviewing the homework from last Friday. The Unit 7 cumulative assessment will be on Tuesday! Our next unit is multiplying and dividing by 4. We will review our multiplication of 2's and 3's in math centers on Wednesday before introducing 4's on Thursday.

History: In History, we are continuing to study the Constitution. We began talking about it last week, and the students really enjoyed beginning the Constitution foldable. This week we will take a closer look at the Constitution and talk about the branches of government.

Science: In Science, we will be describing and identifying important components of the digestive and excretory systems. Some vocabulary words we will learn: esophagus, villi, excrete

Idiom: "Get up on the wrong side of the bed"

Poem: Smart by Shel Silverstein - practice stanza 4. We will recite next week!

I hope the chapter books and book reports are going well! They are due in one week! :)

Let's have a fabulous week!

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