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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 20

Good morning,

I hope everyone had a good first week back, despite the rainy weather! I sent out an email with lots of important information yesterday, including typing information, book report directions, our new math group sign-up genius and a sign-up genius for our science activity this week! If you have any questions about any of it, please don't hesitate to email and ask! This week we will also have our first healthy snack day! This will take place on Thursday during snack time, and the goal is for everyone in the school to bring in a healthy fruit.

Here's what we have coming up this week!

Literature: We will begin reading Cricket in Times Square during class. We will read it as a class and then discuss the chapter. There will be reading comprehension questions for homework on Tuesday-Thursday. Please have your child answer the questions in complete sentences.

Spalding: new words: dollar, evening, plan, broke, feel, sure, sugar, least, sorry, press, God, god, teacher, November, subject, April, history, study, himself, matter, use, thought, person, nor, or, January, mean, vote, court, copy. Spelling Test over all 30 words on Friday!

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from The Midnight Ride by James Baldwin

Grammar: We will be editing and classifying sentences, practicing analogies, and reviewing linking verbs!

Touch Pebbles: We are reading and discussing an excerpt from Plato's Republic. Questions to ponder: If you were invisible, what would you do that you wouldn't do if others could see you? Why is our behavior in private situations different from how it is in public?

Math: We will be adding two-digit numbers to 99 or 98 and discussing how we can use mental math strategies to solve these in our heads. We will also subtract ones and tens from 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. Unit 7 Chapter 2 Test on Thursday! (adding mentally)

History: We are discussing the Great Thinkers this week. We will cover Plato and Socrates and discuss similarities and differences in their teaching. We will also cover Aristotle and Alexander the Great!

Science: This week, we are going to learn about cells! On Tuesday we will discuss the relationship between cells, tissues, organs, and systems. On Thursday we will talk about parts of a cell, by creating a cell cookie!

Idiom: To turn over a new leaf - to make a fresh start, to change your behavior or attitude

Poem: Smart by Shel Silverstein (week 2 of 5)

Have a wonderful week!

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