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Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 25

Happy President's Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their 4 day weekend! Here's what we have coming up this week:

Literature: We will be finishing up Cricket in Times Square this week. Our next book will be Sarah, Plain, and Tall. You can start sending these in if you would like, as we will begin reading it in reading groups next week! I will be sending out a sign-up genius soon to take on a reading group. :)

Spalding: We only have 21 words, due to the shortened week. They are as follows: (Spelling Test will be on Friday as usual!)
Tues: remain, direction, direct, appear, liberty, enough, fact, board, September, station, attend
Wed: public, music, picnic, friends, friend, during, police, until, truly, true

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from Little Women

Grammar: edit, classify, unscramble sentences - same format as we have been practicing these last several weeks! We will test on Friday over editing and classifying sentences!

Touchpebbles: Story: The Weapons of King Chuko; Goal: Students will decide whether they should tell people about certain accomplishments or keep them secret and examine a story in which a great accomplishment is kept secret.

Idiom: "Better late than never!"

Poem: Preamble by Gouverneur Morris - We will recite this next week since it is so short! (For a song that may aid in memorization, check out this School House Rock video.)

Math: We will continue to practice division with remainders and then begin our money unit towards the end of the week. We will take our 1-8 Cumulative Test on Thursday!

History: We are starting our Westward Expansion unit! This is a fun unit that will culminate in our field trip to the Pioneer Living History museum right before Spring Break. We will have more details on this coming soon! This week we will examine ways of going west, looking at early transportation: keelboats, flatboats, and Fulton's steamboat.

Science: We are continuing to study nutrition and will learn how to create a fully balanced meal.

Miscellaneous: We have P.E. this Wednesday in addition to our normal days (Tuesday and Friday). Please bring P.E. shoes. :)

Thank you to everyone who donated sheets or funds for sheets to New Leaf! Second grade collected over 100 sets of twin sheets for this cause. Way to go! :)

See you tomorrow!

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