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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 27

Good evening! I hope everyone had a fun weekend. I saw several people running the 5k! :) Here's what's coming up this week (note: Friday is a half day):

Literature: We are continuing on in Sarah, Plain and Tall with chapters 4, 5, and 6 this week. Vocabulary words we will encounter are:
chapter 4 - scallop, paddock, stew, rustle
chapter 5 - coarse, charcoal, mica, dune, pitchfork
chapter 6 - tumbleweeds, gullies, collapsed, petticoat, treaded

Spalding: 30 spelling words this week - Test on Friday! We will write the majority of them in manuscript. Each day I will pick one or two in class to write in cursive. We will still review and practice our letter formation, but the switch to cursive will be gradual. :)

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from The Elephant's Child

Grammar: This week we will be learning how to form a good paragraph! We will be learning the components that make up paragraphs, looking at sample paragraphs and identifying these parts, and then applying what we learned to our own writing.

Math: In Math, we are still working with money. We will be doing word problem work and making change. I encourage you to practice counting money at home and let your child count out bills and coins to help pay at the grocery store or restaurant. :) We have our last money test on Tuesday and the cumulative test on Thursday.

History: This week we are learning about the Pony Express, Transcontinental Railroad, and how the west was settled.

Science: We are beginning a new unit in Science! We will be experimenting with magnets! Vocabulary words we will encounter this week are magnetism, attract, and force.

Idiom: "Eaten out of house and home"

Poem: We are reciting the Preamble this week. Our new poem we will begin working on is "Lincoln" by Nancy Byrd Turner.

Miscellaneous: Mother-Son Event is Friday!

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