Literature: We will begin our last book of the year: Little House in the Big Woods. Please bring it to school this week if you have not done so yet. We won't do reading groups this week, but we will read chapters 1 and 2 in class! We have a lap book that we will make as we work our way through the book, and it's going to look really nice!
Spalding: We have 19 words this week and will test on Friday.
Tues: awful, awesome, awe, usually, usual, complaint, complained, complain, auto, vacation
Wed: beautiful, beauty, flight, travel, rapid, repair, troubling, trouble, entrance
Grammar: Dictionary skills - how to use dictionaries, alphabetizing words, and using guide words
Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from The Story of Mankind by Helene Guerber
Math: Telling Time! (minutes after and before the hour, to the quarter hour, and to the half hour) We will have a short math quiz on Friday!
History: In History, we are starting our unit on the Civil War. This week, we will be discussing what led up to the Civil War - how the north and south were divided over certain issues - as well as learning about some important people. We will talk about Harriet Beecher Stowe and Harriet Tubman and why we remember them today.
Science: We are starting a new unit on Simple Machines!
Idiom: "Get a taste of your own medicine"
Poem: Lincoln by Nancy Byrd Turner - practice stanza 4 (We will recite next week!)
Miscellaneous: Book reports are due this week! Please turn them in by Friday. :)