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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 29

Good evening! We have a different kind of week coming up, as it is short and jam-packed with activities! Here's what's happening:

Literature: We finished Sarah, Plain and Tall but still have reading groups scheduled for Tuesday, so we will use leveled readers in groups and also work on our Idioms and Proverbs packet. When we get back from break, we will dive right into Little House in the Big Woods.

Spalding: We will be practicing our cursive and reworking words that were commonly missed on the last several spelling tests. There will be no spelling test this week; it will simply be review. The homework will be to write ten sentences in cursive and this will be due on Thursday.

Writing: narration and copy work exercises from The Real Princess by Hans Christian Andersen

Grammar: We are working on paragraphs this week and will learn the rules for writing a paragraph, as well as the steps of the writing process.

Math: Our objectives this week are to write fractions whose sum makes a whole and write fractions of a set. On Thursday, we will play fraction scoot to review, and then there will be a cumulative assessment!

History: We will be reviewing our Westward Expansion material in class tomorrow (Monday) and will test on Thursday! We will also learn more about settling the west on our field trip this week!

Science: We will take a short Magnet Quiz on Tuesday after a little more review. On Thursday we have a really fun activity planned, but I'm going to leave it as a surprise! :)

Idiom: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks!"

Poem: Lincoln (stanza 3 this week!)

Note: Thursday is a half day, and there is no school on Friday!

Our field trip is this Wednesday and will be an all day event. We will get back in time for early release. :) Please don't bring backpacks to school on Wednesday. Simply pack a sack lunch and water bottle. Students must be in school uniform. Even though we are not at school, we are representing Archway Arete and should dress accordingly. Students may bring hats since a lot of the field trip will take place outside. We also encourage all students to wear sunscreen since it will be warm and sunny! We are so excited and looking forward to this trip!!

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