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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 28

Good morning! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. I know I have! I spent yesterday shopping, baking, and grilling with my family. :) Hard to believe that quarter 3 is almost to an end. Here's what we have coming up this week:

Literature: Chapters 7-9 of Sarah, Plain and Tall - Thank you to our reading group helpers! We love having you in the classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Vocabulary words we will encounter:
chapter 7: whickering, primly, squak
chapter 8: overalls, weary, squall, pungent, eerie
chapter 9: scuttling, wailing

Spalding: We have 29 words this week. Just like last week, we will do 1 or 2 words in cursive each day. Your child can choose to write 1-2 words on the homework in cursive, but this is not mandatory. We are just practicing and getting used to reading and writing it. The Spelling Test will be on Friday after Field Day. Words:
Monday: knee, lemon, lying, lie, nails, needle, nobody, oar, palace, penny
Tuesday: regular, repeats, sailor, sentence, shining, shine, surface, sweeping, sweeps, thief
Wednesday: waist, waste, waiting, weary, writing, writer, write, spend, enjoy

Grammar/Writing: We are learning about transition words this week and how they are necessary for forming a good paragraph. We will be discussing the six traits of writing and will work on a pre-writing map before delving into our individual paragraphs.

Math: We are continuing fractions. On Friday, I introduced the words "numerator" and "denominator". We talked about how numerator sounds like number and this represents the number that are shaded. Denominator sounds like divide, and this represents how many pieces it is (equally) divided into. We will continue to recognize fractions and begin to compare them. Which one is bigger? How many 1/4 pieces fit into 1/2? We will take our first chapter test on fractions (recognizing halves and quarters) on Wednesday!

History: We are nearing the end of our Westward Expansion unit, just in time for our Field Trip next week! This week we will discuss the Native Americans and some of their leaders, like Sequoyah, and how they were impacted by the pioneers moving west.

Science: We are exploring how magnets repel and attract and learning the law of magnetic attraction: "Unlike poles attract; like poles repel". We will also look at compasses and how the magnet in them always points north.

Miscellaneous: Field Day is on Friday from 8:30-11:00 am! Our class is Macedonia and our symbol is the sun. I am waiting to hear more details on dress attire for that day. Please plan on sending your child in a hat and with sunscreen on. The forecast is showing sunny and a high of 88 for Friday. It is also important that every child has their water bottle!

Our Field Trip is the following week, on Wednesday, March 16th. If you have not done so yet, please sign the waiver allowing your child to attend. :)

That's all for now! Enjoy your Sunday!

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