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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week 1

Good evening! Tomorrow's the day! We have a lot of exciting things planned:

Literature: We will be starting Charlotte's Web this week, so please bring in your books as soon as possible! I will place my book under the document camera for students to follow along for this first week. :)

Spalding: We are reviewing proper pencil grip, letter formation, and phonograms this week. There will be no spelling words, so there is no spelling test this week. However, please practice all phonograms at home!

Writing with Ease: narration exercises from The Owl and the Grasshopper and The Fox and the Stork

Touch Pebbles: In second grade, we begin "Touch Pebbles," where we listen to a story and then have a short Socratic discussion over it. These will take place every Friday. This Friday we will have our first one, and the text title is called "A Different Kind of Class".

Idiom/Proverb: You can't judge a book by its cover.

Poem: Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson
Students will memorize one stanza each week and will recite the poem during the week of August 31st. This poem will go home tomorrow (it's on a blue piece of paper). Please work on memorizing a little bit of it each night!

Math: We will begin with a Singapore pretest tomorrow and Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday we will review addition and subtraction facts within 10, read and write two digit numbers, relate two-digit numbers to place value, and group objects in tens and ones. We will also practice counting on, backwards, and skip counting.

History: In History we are starting our unit on maps. We will be discussing where we live - address, city, state, country, continent, planet - and sorting according to size. We will also start studying continents and oceans and work in small groups on a collage.

Science: In Science we are reviewing the scientific method and applying it to an experiment!

One last note: Please pack a healthy snack and water bottle each day, and make sure that backpacks and lunch boxes are free of pop culture! Thank you! Looking forward to a wonderful year!! :)

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