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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Woo! We made it through our first week!

Dear Families of 2A,

Congratulations! We made it through our first week! Despite rain and heat advisory days, we powered on! We are enjoying getting to know one another and had a great first week back in school. :) I'm writing to you today in search of classroom parents. See below if you are interested... (Check back tomorrow for information for the upcoming week!)

We are seeking two parents to fill the “Classroom Parent” position! This is a yearlong commitment that includes tasks such as organizing class events, working directly with the Parent Service Organization, and being a liaison between the classroom teachers and families. If you are interested, please email me directly by Friday, August 24th. Remember, this will not be your only opportunity to serve our class! Volunteer opportunities will be presented regularly throughout the school year.

Many thanks,
Mrs. Ellingson and Ms. Carnahan

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