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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week 4!

Good evening,

I'm sitting here listening to the rain...what a lovely sound! I hope you all are safely inside your homes right now!

We had fun yesterday -- We played place value "scoot" in math, had our first estimation jar winner (Congrats, Olivia!), played dodge-ball in P.E., and water painted scenes from Charlotte's Web. A special thanks to Hadi and his mom for giving us special treats too! It was a day packed full of fun activities!

We have lots coming up this next week. Special note: There will be Galileo testing on Wednesday and Thursday after lunch, so make sure to pack a hearty lunch and get a good night's sleep the night before! We also have our first school-wide assembly on Friday morning.

Literature: We are continuing Charlotte's Web - we will be drawing cartoons of the exploding egg scene from chapter 10, creating a web of friendship, and coming up with virtuous character spider maps. We will also have our first Flashlight Friday on Friday!! Feel free to send in a flashlight and pillow with your child on Friday. We will be reading independently "in the dark". :)

Reading homework: I will be sending home leveled readers this week! Please have your child fill out one page of their reading log each night and turn the whole log in on Friday with their leveled reader. We will always pass out new books on Monday (or whenever we come back from a weekend if there is a holiday).

Spelling: Spelling Test on Friday! Words:
1. move     11. clean        21. these
2. delay     12. spell         22. those
3. pound    13. poor         23. club
4. behind   14. finish       24. seen
5. around   15. hurt         25. see
6. burn       16. maybe     26. felt
7. camp      17. across     27. full
8. bear        18. tonight    28. fail
9. bare        19. tenth       29. setting
10. clear     20. sir           30. set

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from the story "Doctor Doolittle"

Grammar: focus - capitalization

Math: This week we will be working with addition and subtraction of one digit and two digit numbers with no renaming. We are working on mental math (no using fingers!). On Wednesday we will do a practice run of math centers. We will go over how math centers work, basic rules, etc. Math centers will begin on September 9th. I'll be creating a Sign-up Genius and sending it out this week! Math tutoring will begin this week and is by invite only. If you have not heard from me and feel that your child needs math tutoring, please email me and we can chat. :)

History: We are continuing Geography of the Americas but heading south - to South America!

Science: Seasons - Spring and Summer

Poem: We will be reciting Bed in Summer this week! (I will also be sending home the new poem to start looking at: Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Lyman Field - to be recited the week of Sept. 28th)

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! :)

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