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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 3

Good evening!

Here's what's happening this week:

Literature: We're continuing Charlotte's Web and working in our literature packet.
Spalding: OPR (oral phonogram review) and WPR (written phonogram review) daily - we're practicing phonograms 37-51 this week. Spelling Test on Friday! 
New words:
1. first          12. wife         21. better
2. sent          13. state         22. water
3. cent          14. July         23. round
4. mile          15. head        24. cost
5. seem         16. story       25. price
6. even          17. open       26. become
7. without     18. short       27. class
8. afternoon   19. lady       28. horse
9. Friday       20. reach      29. care
10. hour                             30. try
11. our

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises
Grammar: analogies and vocabulary work in our journals
Idiom of the Week: "Back to the drawing board" - When a plan doesn't work out as you thought it would, you need to start over from the beginning.
Poem: Bed in Summer (Stevenson)- continued - work on stanza 3!
Math: Review unit 1- Unit 1 Cumulative Test on Wednesday! Begin next unit - part/whole addition and subtraction
History: We are starting our Geography of the Americas unit!
Science: Seasons continued - this week: Fall/Autumn :)

Quick note: DIBELS testing will occur this week. After this I will have a good indicator of reading levels. We will send home leveled readers next week!

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