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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1st Quarter Grades

Good afternoon!

I have submitted grades for the quarter, and they should be available on Saturday. K-2 uses a checklist, so they are not the typical “grades” that you will later see. (Starting next year it will be on an A, B, C scale.) We look for specific skills, which you will see on the checklist. For the first quarter don’t be alarmed if you see a lot of 2’s. This means that the skill is in development and is being guided by the teacher. (A 3 means that little to no direction is needed, and 4 means that the skill is completely mastered.) We should all be at the 2 level since school has just started and teacher guidance is needed. Embrace the 2’s! If you have any questions, please jot them down and bring them to your conference. I look forward to discussing your child’s progress with you! I hope you are having a wonderful break. J

A quick note: If you have not done so yet, our next book to bring to school is Boxcar Children! Thanks!

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