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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 11

Good afternoon! We have another exciting week ahead: the Book Fair is taking place all week, and Read-a-thon is on Friday! Parents are allowed to come check out the Book Fair at the following times: 7:30 - 8 am, 11 - 12:30 (lunch), and 2:30 - 4 pm each day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Book Fair is supposed to be open an extra hour (until 5 pm). There will be a raffle for students to enter who have purchased at least 4 books. The prizes are really great! They are giving away 5 book baskets (one a day) that are filled with lots of books!

For Read-a-thon, I still need some helpers to come read to our class! You can sign up here to read!

If you have not submitted your costume proposal yet, please do so in the next couple of days or email me who your child will be dressing up as.

Here is what we have coming up this week:

Literature: Boxcar Children - chapter 3 and 4 in literature groups. We will also be acting out chapter 2 from last week and writing an essay on courage.

Spalding: Spelling Test on Friday! 30 words:
1. third        16. letters
2. push        17. orange
3. point       18. pocket
4. written    19. shoes
5. body        20. shoe
6. field         21. stairs
7. belongs    22. stream
8. cheese      23. talks
9. earn          24. tiny
10. edge       25. words
11. feather    26. trust
12. fence      27. extra
13. funny     28. dress
14. going     29. beside
15. honey    30. teach

Grammar: Q&A flows, mover and shaker sentences, learning about adjectives and comparing them to adverbs!

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises from Pippi Longstocking

Math: We are starting a new unit (hooray!) on measurement! We will be learning about length this week and practicing with both nonstandard and standard units of measurement (cm, inches, yards, meters). Chapter 1 and 2 tests on length will be on Wednesday and Thursday (respectively)!

History: Ancient India Test on Wednesday! We will review on Monday and send home the India packet to study, in addition to the study guide that went home last Friday. We will start our next unit, Ancient China, on Wednesday.

Science: We our conducting an experiment on Tuesday: germination versus termination. We will continue to discuss the life cycle of a plant this week and have a pumpkin craft on Thursday in the spirit of fall. :)

Poem: Merry Autumn Days by Dickens - practice stanza 3

Idiom/Proverb: Cold feet - loss of nerve or confidence

Looking forward to a great week!

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