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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 9

Good evening!

I hope everyone had a fun, restful Fall Break! I am looking forward to meeting with each of you this week! Since they are half days this week, please remember that there is no lunch scheduled, so try to pack a hearty snack that will stick with your child.

A couple other quick notes: There will be no math centers on Wednesday since it is a short day. Also, please start bringing in Boxcar Children, as we will begin reading it a week from Tuesday! :)

Here's what we are learning this week!

Spalding: Spelling Test on Friday! (There are only 29 words this week!)
1. indeed       10. meet          20. once
2. four           11. meat          21. one
3. herself       12. another      22. own
4. power        13. tripped      23. before
5. wish           14. trip            24. know
6. because      15. list            25. no
7. cause          16. people      26. were
8. world          17. ever         27. where
9. country       18. held         28. there
                       19. church      29. here

**Please notice the small change to the spelling homework - it asks for two sentences using spelling words (each night)!**

Grammar: Review jingles!

Math: We will be continuing subtraction with renaming (borrowing), and we will be learning what to do when we encounter a problem that involves renaming twice.

History: We are powering full steam ahead in our India unit, and we will learn a little bit about India everyday this week. We will be studying the Indus Valley people, Hinduism, Festival of Lights, and Buddhism.

Idiom/Proverb: "Where there's a will, there's a way" - This fits in nicely with the virtue of perseverance!

Poem: Merry Autumn Days by Charles Dickens (Practice stanza 1 - poetry recitations the week of November 9th)

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