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Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 10

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday off! I enjoyed speaking with each of you at conferences last week. We are off to a great start!

Here's what's on the agenda for our four day week:

Literature: We are beginning Literature groups TOMORROW with Boxcar Children! I cannot wait to begin this new book!

Spalding: 19 words this week (Test on Friday!)
1. dead
2. leave
3. early
4. close
5. close
6. flower
7. flour
8. nothing
9. ground
10. lead
11. led
12. lead
13. such
14. morning
15. however
16. mind
17. shall
18. alone
19. order

Grammar: We will be reviewing the Q&A flow, and then learning the blueprint of a sentence.

Touch Pebbles: "The Lion and the Mouse" - Question to ponder: What is more important - listening or speaking?

Math: We are finishing up subtraction with renaming this week by means of review. We will take our Unit 2 Chapter 5 test on Wednesday and the Unit 1-2 Cumulative test on Friday. Our next unit will be measurement!

History: We are reading some stories from India this week - "A Jataka Tale" and "King Asoka".

Science: Students will learn the life cycle of a plant and be introduced to photosynthesis. We will set up a lima bean experiment tomorrow and do an experiment on germination versus termination on Thursday!

Idiom: "Where there's a will there's a way."

Poem: Merry Autumn Days by Dickens - work on stanza 2

Mark your calendars for our second annual Read-a-thon! This special day will be on Friday, October 30th, and will occur alongside our first on-site book fair! Students may come to school dressed as their favorite classical literary characters, scientists, or historical figures. The goal of this event is to stir a continuous love for reading and an opportunity for lifelong learning. Costumes need not come directly from the grade level curriculum, though they must be classically on-mission. We kindly ask that you send costume ideas to your classroom teacher for approval by Friday, October 23rd. Be sure that costumes allow students to engage in regular school day activities like recess, lunch, and some curricular instruction. The headmasters, teachers, fellow scholars, and students' family members will read to students throughout the day. The Read-a-thon will be a huge celebration of reading for our entire school community!

Book Fair
The Archway Arete book fair will run from Monday, October 26th - Friday, October 30th in the resource room. We look forward to providing this exciting opportunity for students and parents to purchase books for their personal and classroom libraries. The class that purchases the most books from the week-long book fair will be awarded a pizza party. Profits from the book fair will go directly to children's books for the Arete library. The book fair will be open for parents at specific times during the school day, so please plan to attend! There are prizes to be won for participating!

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