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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 31

Good morning!

We have loved seeing the brown bag autobiography book reports! We still have several presentations to go, and we look forward to hearing the rest of them! For the next book, your child will get to select a classic to read. More instructions will be going home tomorrow!

This week is going to be a busy one. We have the Spring Concert on Wednesday at 5:30! Come listen to your children sing some beautiful music. :)

Here's what we will be learning in class this week:

Literature: We are continuing on with Little House in the Big Woods and our lap books!

Spalding: 30 words this week - make sure we're writing 2 sentences with spelling words each night! These directions are on the homework. :) Test on Friday!

Monday: importance, important, carried, carry, loss, fortune, empire, mayor, wait, degree
Tuesday: prison, engine, visit, guest, guessed, guess, department, obtain, family, favor
Wednesday: Mrs. = Mistress, Mr. = Mister, Miss, husband, amount, human, view, clerk, though, o'lock - o(f the) clock

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation exercises

Grammar: We're finishing dictionary skills and then working on pre-writing skills!

Touch Pebbles: text selection - About Lying

Math: We are finishing up our unit on time this week. It was a quick one - please continue to practice telling time at home! (Reminder: The word "minutes" is a longer word and has more letters in it - the minute hand is the longer looking hand!)

Please help us with math groups! You can sign up here!

History: Civil War - By the end of the week, students will be able to recognize Abraham Lincoln, the importance of the Emancipation Act, and list reasons why the South wanted to secede from the Union.

Science: We are learning more about Simple Machines, focusing mostly on the wedge and screw this week!

Idiom: "Get a taste of your own medicine!"

Poem: Poetry recitations this week!! (Lincoln by Turner)

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

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