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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 32

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Just a reminder that there is a half day this Friday! I will be taking that day off for a friend's wedding, but I will respond back to your emails by the following Monday. This Thursday is healthy snack day; please send in a healthy fruit or vegetable!

Literature: Little House in the Big Woods and lapbook :) We're comparing and contrasting our homes with Laura's and describing Christmas at the Ingalls' home. We still need help with reading groups! If you would like to read with us, please sign up here!

For our classic book report, your child is selecting a book to read. Please let me know once it is chosen so that I can approve it and write the title down.

Spalding: We have 29 words this week. Test on Friday!

Monday: support, does, goes, Tuesday, regard, escape, since, which, witch (you may notice that a couple of words are familiar)
Tuesday: length, long, strength, strong, destroy, newspaper, daughter, naughty, caught, taught
Wednesday: answer, reply, sail, sale, cities, city, known, know, several, desire

Grammar: Pre-writing skills - We will be creating a pre-writing map for making bullets (from Little House in the Big Woods). We will take this map to create a rough draft, edit in class, and then write a final draft.

Writing: narration, copy work, and dictation from "A Child's Geography of the World"

Math: We are reviewing time this week. Each day will focus on a different component: after the hour, before the hour, time intervals, and elapsed time. We will test on Friday!

History: Civil War continued - Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and how the war ends

Science: Simple machines continued - pulley and wheel & axle

Poem: Harriet Tubman by Eloise Greenfield - This is split into five stanzas. Practice one stanza each week. This is our last poem for the year!

Goodnight. See you in the morning!

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