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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 34

Good evening! We are reaching the end of April, which means we only have one more month after this week! This is a short week - there is no school on Friday, and it's R&R, which means no homework. :)

Literature: Little House in the Big Woods continued - we're learning about how to make maple syrup and identifying animal tracks!

Spalding: There are only 20 words this week - Test on Thursday!

Monday: passengers, remained, retreating, style, subtract, tailor, thumb, trial, voyage, whisper
Tuesday: wrong, sometimes, engage, final, terrible, surprise, period, addition, employ, property

Writing/Grammar: We are working on a paragraph for Mother's Day. :)

Math: This week we will finish up our unit on capacity and will review all units from 1-12. Cumulative Test on Thursday!

History: We are starting a new unit on immigration and citizenship. This week we will focus on why and how immigrants came to America.

Science: We will be studying the life of Elijah McCoy this week and recording some key points from his life.

Idiom: "The real McCoy"

Poem: Harriet Tubman (stanza 3)

Miscellaneous: I hope you received your Mother's Day Tea invites! It will take place on Friday, May 6th from 8:15-9:15 am. You are welcome to sign in and head to the MPR at 8, when school starts. We will take attendance and then head down to meet you there. There will be refreshments, and it will be a fun way to spend some time talking with your child.

Have a great week!

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