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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 33

Happy Sunday! I was out sick earlier this week and then went out of town for a wedding. I have missed your children so much! Looking forward to this upcoming week. Here's what we have coming up:

Literature: In Literature, we are continuing on in Little House in the Big Woods. :)

Spalding: 30 words this week. Test on Friday!

Monday: nearly, to, too, two, animal, basin, breeze, button, cabbage, careful
Tuesday: cough, cousin, dollars, excuse, excuse, island, grief, guard, guilty, hungry
Wednesday: language, laughter, laugh, lining, line, ocean, nephew, nineteen, noticed, notice

Grammar/Writing: more paragraph writing - We will write a descriptive paragraph, describing the story of Grandpa and the pig (from Little House).

Math: This week begins a new unit - capacity! We will compare different containers and develop an understanding of the standard units of capacity - liters, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons!

History: We are wrapping up our Civil War unit this week. We will be learning a little more about the "angel of the battlefield," Clara Barton. Then we will review a bit and test on Friday. A study guide will go home on Monday to help!

Science: This week we will explore what we've learned about simple machines by building them and finding them in our daily lives.

Touch Pebbles: The Man Who Thought He Could Do Anything - In this discussion, students will examine the benefits of working together in a group.

Idiom: "Cold Feet" - loss of nerve or confidence

Poem: Harriet Tubman (Eloise Greenfield)

Miscellaneous: This Friday is French and Fine Arts Night! Come look at some beautiful drawings and hear some French songs!

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